Do you care about FH?
Are you a Health Professional caring for
people with dyslipidaemia?
Are you a lipid clinician, medical scientist, paediatrician, diabetologist, cardiologist, gynaecologist, family doctor, nurse or dietitian?
Because, never in the history of dyslipidaemia and familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) has there been so much interest, attention and awareness been paid in this field from you and your colleagues, the public and patients.
Others, particularly responsible politicians need to catch up.
"We are on the crest of a wave." Sam Gidding, Paediatrician, Delaware, USA
The recent rapid growth in attention is primarily due to the plethora of drugs suitable for treating FH, some of which are already available and man more to come on line in the next few years.
FH probably affects at least 1 in every 300 of the world’s population*
FH is short for Familial Hypercholesterolaemia. It is an inherited cholesterol disorder that runs in families and if acquired from one parent is called heterozygous or from both parents is the more serious form of homozygous FH. Both forms lead to early age destructive cardiovascular disease. Lifestyle, including bad diet, no exercise and smoking, is not the cause, although each can still have a profound effect on the outcome of the disorder, particularly smoking.
Children with diagnosed and treated FH live longer
One of the major assets in the International FH Foundation’s portfolio is its contacts with clinical colleagues around the world from Latin America to China, from the USA through Europe to New Zealand, Africa, the Middle East, South East Asia and the Far East.
FH IS common - it IS NOT a rare disease – only its diagnosis IS rare.
If like them, you want to be in the picture, to find out what’s happening in the world of FH, to read the latest news and interviews, see the diary of upcoming events, videos, learning programme links and stop press articles, then you need to join by adding your name to the growing numbers of colleagues who will shape and change the face of FH for good by achieving a turnaround in a disease that affects over 30 million people around the world.
The International FH Foundation works successfully with people like you to achieve consensus on International FH Guidelines, PCSK9 research studies, health economic evaluation and improved FH awareness programmes.
* Familial Hypercholesterolemia in the Danish General Population: Prevalence, Coronary Artery Disease, and Cholesterol-Lowering Medication.Benn M, Watts GF, Tybjaerg-Hansen A, Nordestgaard BG. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Aug 14.
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